God made dirt…dirt won’t hurt

The classes have been busy in the school garden getting the soil ready and planting some seeds.

Year Three Red & Green planted three garden beds with seed potatoes. They are eager to see their potatoes grow so they can cook something delicious. They also picked some fresh oranges and made fresh Orange Slushies in class. YUMMY!

The Year Five classes were busy on Thursday planting the Garlic.

Year One Red & Green prepared the soil and planted the Broad Beans and the following are excerpts from the children of Year One:

Jonah Clarke: Last Thursday we planted beans at the garden. I got to put the beans in the holes and I found an apple on the floor. It was very fun going to the garden.

Erika Coelho: Last week we planted some beans and I got to plant the bean in the holes. Some of us did some watering and digging. I had an exciting time at the garden.

Ronan O’Halloran: At the garden last week I got to do the watering of the seeds and I got to smell parsley. I had a fun time.

Joel North: Last week we planted some beans and I got to plant a bean in the soil. I had fun at the garden.

Audra Garbenis: Last Thursday we went to the school garden to plant some broad beans. At the garden I got to put the soil over the beans that other children had planted. After I watered the beans and soil. I had a great time at the garden.

THANK YOU to all those children and the teachers for taking the time to plant and clean the garden.

Mrs Lynn Raschilla
School Garden Coordinator

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