Science Week at Aranmore

What an astounding array of experiments and activities were held at Aranmore CPS this week as part of celebrating National Science Week.

In Pre-Primary our current unit of work for Science is ‘Weather in My World’. We explored weather during Science Week and made hurricanes in jars, water cycle bags to see rain form and we made rain clouds using shaving foam, water in a cup and blue dye. The Pre-Primaries loved being in control of the weather in our classroom!

In One Red we turned motionless gummy worms into creepy, wriggling worms.  The worms wriggle because a chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar producing carbon dioxide gas. We all waited patiently to see what the outcome would be!

In One Green we looked at real mini-beasts. They are so fascinating! Did you know that a group of cockroaches is called an intrusion?

Year Three was lucky enough to dedicate a whole day to Science last week.  We delved into our new topic Earth, Moon and Sun with gusto, experimented with absorption and dyes, and we even had time to play our version of Master Chef’s Mystery Box Challenge using mystery powders from the pantry.  The Mystery Powder Taste Challenge was an activity loved by all, despite not all of the powders tasting quite that nice!

The Year 4 children had a science afternoon on the theme of FLIGHT.

  • Using paper we made paper helicopters and dropped these from the balcony
  • Hoop Gliders made from paper and a straw
  • Balloon rockets that whizzed across the classroom
  • Pinwheels (Catherine Wheel)

The children had a fun filled afternoon. Parents came in the next day to say they continued the glider and helicopters at home.

The Year 5 students had the pleasure of meeting Dr Clemons who showed the students how awesome it is to be a scientist. Dr Clemons is from UWA and works with nanotechnology. He explained what his research was about and the students watched a number of experiments. These experiments showed the students all of the amazing things that scientists have discovered. The students thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and we are sure that we have some students in year 5 who have now decided to become a scientist.

The Year Sixes put on a mini Science Fair that their Year Two buddies attended. We made slime, catapulted marshmallows, threw flames, colour dyed milk, made lava lamps, played with pepper and had fun with magnets. What an awesome afternoon!